A Taste of the Netherlands: A Family Dinner Inspired by Dutch Cuisine

We had a family dinner taking inspiration from recipes from the Netherlands.



2/26/20242 min read

green grass field near body of water during sunset
green grass field near body of water during sunset

The Netherlands, a small country in Europe nestled between Belgium and Germany, is known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and delicious cuisine. If you're looking to add some international flavour to your family dinner, why not take inspiration from the Netherlands?

Stamppot: A Dutch Delight

One dish that perfectly captures the essence of Dutch cuisine is Stamppot. This hearty and comforting meal is a combination of mashed potatoes and vegetables, typically served with a sausage on the side. The vegetables used can vary, but popular choices include kale, sauerkraut, and carrots.

To make Stamppot, start by boiling potatoes until they are tender. In a separate pot, cook the vegetables until they are soft. Once both are done, mash the potatoes and mix in the cooked vegetables. Season with salt, pepper, and a knob of butter for added richness. Serve the Stamppot with a juicy sausage, such as rookworst, on the side.

We made the version with carrots and served with sausage, gravy and apple sauce. The kids ate every bite.

Herring: A Dutch Delicacy

Another iconic Dutch dish is herring. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, herring is a beloved delicacy in the Netherlands. Typically served raw or pickled, herring is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can try making your own pickled herring at home. Start by filleting fresh herring and removing any bones. Then, marinate the fillets in a mixture of vinegar, sugar, and salt. Allow the herring to pickle in the refrigerator for a few days before enjoying it on a slice of bread with onions and pickles.

We were not feeling this adventurous, but I would not be doing this country justice if I did not include this recipe.

Appeltaart: A Dutch Dessert

No meal is complete without a sweet ending, and in the Netherlands, that often means indulging in a slice of appeltaart. This traditional Dutch apple pie is made with a buttery crust and filled with a mixture of sliced apples, sugar, cinnamon, and raisins.

To make appeltaart, start by making the crust using a combination of flour, butter, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Press the dough into a pie dish and set it aside. In a separate bowl, mix together sliced apples, sugar, cinnamon, and raisins. Pour the apple mixture into the crust and bake until the crust is golden brown and the apples are tender.

Once the appeltaart has cooled, serve it with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a truly decadent treat.

Immerse Yourself in Dutch Cuisine

By incorporating Stamppot, herring, and appeltaart into your family dinner, you can experience the flavours of the Netherlands without leaving your home. Whether you're trying these dishes for the first time or reminiscing about past travels, a Dutch-inspired meal is sure to bring a taste of adventure to your table.